Why Podcasts help to learn English. Podcasts are audio files you download to your computer. You can listen to them when you want, where you want (or even when you don’t want!). Podcasts are perfect for practicing listening grammar and pronunciation, especially if you like news or learning about topics […]
English for intermediate learners
English for intermediate learners. In English intermediate level, you can expect to learn and practice the following skills:
Vocabulary expansion: You will learn new words and phrases to improve your speaking and writing abilities.
Grammar: You will continue to build on your knowledge of English grammar, including verb tenses, sentence structure, and parts of speech.
Reading comprehension: You will read texts of varying lengths and complexity, and practice understanding main ideas, supporting details, and context.
Writing: You will write short essays, letters, and reports, focusing on clarity, coherence, and proper use of grammar and vocabulary.
Speaking and Listening: You will engage in conversations and discussions with classmates and teachers, and practice expressing your ideas, asking questions, and making connections.
Pronunciation and Intonation: You will work on improving your pronunciation and intonation, so that you can be better understood and convey your message more effectively.
Overall, intermediate English level will help you develop your English language skills to a higher level of proficiency, making it easier for you to communicate with others and succeed in academic and professional settings.
English2Get give you a lot of free learning content English for intermediate learners
7 best podcasts for learning English and drastically improving your life
7 best podcasts for learning English and drastically improving your life. We encourage you to take your English learning to the next level with podcasts Podcasts can be a great tool for learning English for a variety of reasons: Exposure to real English: Listening to podcasts exposes learners to real […]
Irregular singular nouns and plural nouns
Irregular singular nouns and plural nouns | English nouns | learn English with English2get In English, singular nouns refer to one person, place, thing, or idea, while plural nouns refer to more than one. Understanding the difference between singular and plural nouns is important for constructing sentences and communicating effectively […]