Amazing facts about frogs 🐸


Amazing facts about frogs. Frogs, those charming amphibians that often grace the edges of ponds and wetlands, have a surprise in store for English learners: a congregation of frogs is called an “army”! 🐸🎯

This quirky and memorable fact showcases the creativity of the English language, when it comes to describing the animal kingdom.

While you might expect frogs to gather in groups called “groups” or “clusters,” the term “army” conjures up a lively image of these small creatures uniting in numbers like a determined battalion.

The reason behind this collective noun is less about militaristic strategy and more about the natural behaviors of frogs.

Imagine a chorus of croaks echoing through the night as a multitude of frogs communicate and establish their territories. In this context, the term “army” aptly captures the idea of a unified assembly with a common purpose.

So, the next time you’re practicing your English language skills, impress your fellow learners and speakers with this engaging frog fact: a bunch of frogs is charmingly called an “army”! As you delve into the depths of English, these kinds of captivating details not only make your journey more enjoyable, but also provide interesting conversation starters with native speakers.

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