7 best podcasts for learning English and drastically improving your life


7 best podcasts for learning English and drastically improving your life. We encourage you to take your English learning to the next level with podcasts

Podcasts can be a great tool for learning English for a variety of reasons:

Exposure to real English: Listening to podcasts exposes learners to real English.

Broad range of topics: Podcasts cover a broad range of topics

Accessible: Podcasts are widely available and accessible.

Practice listening skills: Listening is an important skill in language learning.

Improve vocabulary: Podcasts can also help learners improve their vocabulary.

Here are some of the best podcasts!

The English We Speak

The BBC has this podcast “The English We Speak”. Its offers podcast every week. It is a fun three-minute program where they look at a different everyday English phrase or slang.

Voice of America: learning English

With Voice of America (VOA) Learning English, you can learn and practice your English through audio, video, multimedia, and news, particularly about the U.S.

The Tim Ferriss show

The New York Times best-selling author Tim Ferriss hosted this podcast and is designed to help you get the most out of your day and week. 

Oprah’s SuperSoul conversations

Hosted by Oprah Winfrey, this podcast features conversations with some of today’s most inspiring thought leaders and celebrities. 

Freakonomics radio

If you are looking for a podcast that will make you think differently about the world around you, then Freakonomics Radio is the one for you.

The school of greatness

Lewis Howes hosts this podcast. Which focuses on helping listeners become the best version of themselves, by unlocking their potential and creating meaningful connections with others in their communities.

TED talks daily

This daily podcast from TED (Technology Entertainment Design). Features talks from some of today’s leading thinkers across different disciplines, including science, art, and technology. 

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